Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Settled Into Our New Home!!

It is official we are all now Minnesotans (don't know about the spelling)!! Last week Shannon and I got to move into our new home and unpack everything while the girls stayed with my parent's in Iowa. Then on Sunday we all came home together and have enjoyed our new home together. Aubree was very excited about her new room and it was like Christmas for her when we unpacked all the toys. For all you parents don't go buy new toys just put them away for about a month or more and then let the kids unpack them and they will think they are in heaven!! It has been nice so far waking up and enjoying our new space. Trinity seems to like her new room and new environment. I think she will always be happy as long has she is with the people she loves. Most of all it is nice to have us all under the same roof at night. We really missed having Shannon around. We would like to give a special "Thank You" to our parents for letting us live with them while we were awaiting our new place.

With a lot of to-do's on my list for the week, my number one is to get doctors setup for Trinity. She needs to see so many that it is quite overwhelming, but I think we have been living in a fantasy world for the last 2 months with no surgeries and no doctor appointments.

We want to "Congratulate" our friends Sarah and Travis Turnbull on the arrival of their little boy Sayer Michael. We are so happy that he is healthy and that he has brought such a blessing to the Turnbull family. Please pray for them as they adjust to the changes in their lives.

We will be sure to post some pictures of Trinity soon. She has grown so much and gives us a lot of smiles. We hope you all have a blessed week!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Sorry that we haven't updated in awhile, but things have been going pretty good. We kinda had a scare on Monday thinking that Trinity's shunt was not working again. She was vomitting and just not acting like herself, but it ended up being a bad cold. We are just glad it wasn't the shunt.
She continues to do physical therapy in Pella and it is going really good. Trinity is learing to waive bye-bye and gets really excited when she does it. It is funny how you take the little things forgranted with your kids. We get so excited when Trinity does something (like eating solids for the first time). She definately has made some progres, but we still have a long ways to go.
We did find a house and we will be moving next week. We are really excited to finally be a family again and to get Trinity into some doctors up there. Shannon has been living by himself for the past month in Minnesota and the girls and I have been living between Lynnville and Montezuma. We are just blessed to have such great parents that love us enough to let us live with them!!
I can't "thank" all of you enough for all the prayers. We feel them so much!! I am asking that you also remember Shannon and I in your prayers. Not very often do I talk about our feelings through all of this, but lately I have really been struggling with things, and when I see other children and then realize how far behind Trinity is and start wondering if she will ever crawl, walk, or even roll over. My heart breaks for her, but sometimes I think it selfishly breaks for myself. It is very hard to not be bitter at times, but God is constitantly showing me how much he loves Trinity and loves us. For those of you that know Trinity, she is full of smiles and is such a happy baby. She has definately been Shannon and my inspiration through all of this. I don't know too many babies that could go through all that and still have a smile on their face. I am sorry for rambling, but sometimes it is nice to just let it out and to have people praying for ya. We are so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends!!