Hello to Everyone! It seems to be officially winter around here. We enjoyed a week in Iowa last week with family and friends. Trinity also had her last Physical Therapy appointment in Pella. This was really hard to leave Paula, she has been a lot of help for Trinity and Trinity loved her! I added some pictures of Trinity at Physical Therapy and with Paula.
On November 19th we meet with Trinity's new Neurosurgeon. I spent some time talking to his assistant and asked him different questions about Dr. Haines. He told me that the areas he specializes in most are: Hydrocephalus, Chiari, Spina Bifida, and Tethered Spine (all a bonus). This was great to hear since Trinity has all of these. Once we meet with him he will point us in the direction of all the remaining doctors.
We also found out the Shriners Hospitals get a lot of their money from people donating the tabs off of cans. Since Trinity will be going there in January, we have decided as a family to start saving these. My parents Rande and Paula, and Shannon's parents Boyd and Kathy, will have buckets at their homes. If you wish to drop them off there they will make sure to get them to me and I will turn them into our local donation spot. When I was on the internet looking into this, just off of tabs alone they raised $20,000 at one hospital. So everytime you finish a can of pop remember Trinity and SAVE YOUR TABS!!!
Thanks for checking in on us! We hope you all stay warm as the winter months creep up on us!

Paula and Trinity during physical therapy.

Trinity on the ball doing a good job of looking up at mommy to take a picture!