Well there hasn't been a lot to update about since we STILL haven't heard anything from the doctors. It has been 4 weeks and still no news. I am starting to get frustrated and wondering what the delay is.
On Monday we seen Trinity's new Pediatrician, Dr. Stealey. It was
GREAT!! I felt so energized when I left there and felt so confident that someone was
finally going to look out for the best interest of Trinity! He didn't get a chance to review all of her records, but on Tuesday and Wednesday he did and gave Shannon a call yesterday. He has talked to one of the BEST Ortho Pediatric Surgeons in the Metro and he said that he would be willing to see Trinity and look at her case. He is with Gillette Children's Hospital, of which we are switching all of Trinity's care to. We think Dr. Haines is a great Neurosurgeon, but we feel like Gillette is the best place for Trinity to get the BEST care. We have had so many people talk to us about how great it is there and you won't find a better hospital that can meet the needs of Trinity. I am really excited about this and pray that the transition goes smoothly.
Trinity is still not gaining much weight so Dr. Stealey is working on that and going to talk with other doctors to see what the next step should be. He also talked to Trinity's Urologist, of which he stated is also one of the best in the Metro area! We are currently doing more Mira Lax a day to help increase Trinity's bowel movements. So far it is working great, but she is getting horrible diaper rash :(
I wish I had more to report, but I pray that by Monday we hear something and know the next steps that are going to be taken with Trinity. We will be sure to keep you all posted.