Monday, February 25, 2008

Trinity is EATING!!

What a great day we had yesterday! Trinity got to eat for the first time with Miranda breastfeeding. She did not have any problems and has done a really good job since. She's eating about 1.5-2 oz every 3 hours. This is really good for just starting out. She got her first one at noon yesterday. Miranda got to hold her and even take a nap with her on her chest for over an hour. Miranda was discharged yesterday around 3:00. We stayed at the hospital for Trinity's 3:00 feeding and then went home until her 9:00 feeding. This makes for long days driving back and forth, but it is so worth it. Today we got up and played with Aubree for a little bit and then headed back to the hospital for her 12:00 feeding. Unfortunately we didn't make it in time and they had to bottle feed her. I guess she is going to like to eat like her big sister! While feeding her at 3:00 Trinity made us very proud with her burping, she does it like a pro!!! The lesion is looking very good and starting to heal. The doctor is very happy with the results. Tomorrow Trinity will have a cat scan done to check how much fluid has accumulated on her brain after closing the lesion. The results of this will determine whether or not she will have to have a shunt. We continue to pray that she will be that 10% that don't need the shunt. The Urologists will also see her tomorrow to check and see if her kidneys and bowels are working properly. They will probably do a ultrasound to check the kidneys and see if they are dilated at all and make sure that she is urinating like she should be. As the days go by things continue to get better for Trinity. She has changed so much already in her looks. It is just nice to see her off all those machines and to be able to hold her. Please pray for Aubree, she is starting to really miss her mommy and daddy and she don't understand why she can't spend all her time with us. Hopefully we will have Trinity home with us soon and Aubree can start playing with her and do big sister things with her. We also ask that you continue to pray for the healing process of Trinity's lesion and also for the cat scan tomorrow. God has blessed us so much already. What an amazing God we have and serve!!


Brenda Terpstra said...

Shannon, Miranda, Aubree & Trinity,

Congratulations! What a beautiful baby. Aubree looks so much like the proud, big sister. As your family goes through this journey in life remember what the psalmist says in chaper 56 verse 3 & 4: "When I am afraid, I will trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust, I will not be afraid." I am so thankful that God is in control and knows the future. My prayer includes the hope that little Trinity can feel God's arms around her. We love you guys.

Mike, Brenda & Bailey

Anna Dunsbergen said...

Congratulations you guys! We are so excited to see the pictures and to hear how blessed you have been! God is ever amazing! We continue to pray for Trinity and for you. Thanks for the progress reports, they are so helpful in knowing what to pray for and just to see how happy all of you are!
We love you!
Jamie, Anna, Tanner & Tucker

CureSMA4Stella said...

Aww, I love that picture of Trinity napping on Miranda. SO glad to hear that feeding is going well. Thanks for the updates . . . we are thinking of you all the time and continue to pray that things continue to go well. If there are setbacks, we also know that you have a strong faith that will get you and your precious little girl through it all. Hang in there, we are so proud of you!
Travis, Sarah, Treyton and Stella