Wednesday, March 19, 2008

9 More Days

Well we left the hospital yesterday with the understanding that Trinity was going to leave the hospital with a pick line (an IV that she could go home with) and come home possibly Thursday or Friday. When getting to the hospital today Trinity was due for her antibiotics and they were needing to do a new IV, but they wanted to wait until they new if they could do the pick line. After waiting for an answer from the surgeon and not getting one, they decided to put an IV in since they hadn't heard anything from the doctor. Because they had put an IV in about every vein in her hands and feet they decided to put one in her head. I was not real happy to see this and when the neurosurgeon came in to see her around 6:30 tonight she was also not happy. Babies with hydrocephalus should not have IV's put in their head so they had to take the IV out and as we were leaving they were trying to find a new place to put it. Trinity needs to be on this antibiotic for 2 weeks, so with that said we found out today that they will be keeping her in the NICU for another 9 days. We were not overly thrilled about this, but they really don't want to send her home with the pick line and they would like to keep an eye on the incision to make sure it heals correctly. On a positive note, she's urinating more on her own and they are doing the catheter twice a day. Her incision looks good and it has not been leaking like it was in the beginning.
Aubree will be going home with Boyd and Kathy, they are leaving on Saturday. Shannon is coming to Iowa the following weekend and he will bring her home with him. She's really excited to see everyone and Shannon and I both think it will be really good for her.
Please keep Trinity in your prayers as she continues to heal from her surgery. We would also ask that you pray for safe travel as Boyd drives to Michigan tomorrow and they leave on Saturday to go back to Iowa.


Liz and Will Timmerman said...

Arthur Family - you continue to be in our prayers. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help. Even if you just want company in the hospital.
Liz & Will Timmerman

McFarlands said...

Hey guys! Sorry you had to get bad news about more time in the hospital - I'm sure that's not what you wanted to hear. We continue to pray for you guys daily! We're very excited to see Miss Aubree!! Love the pic with her Dora PJs! Love you guys and thinking of you always! ~ Dana

dotty said...

hello dear arthur family:)
sure hope you all are feeling the love we are sending out to you! and WOW is it ever evident you have a fighter on your hands!! Miss Trinity is an amazing child with an amazing family and your faith and spirit shine through even the most difficult times! We are praying each day finds her stronger and that you all are able to rest and stay strong for her as well!
We love you!!
dotty and family

Unknown said...

I had a nice visit with your Mom the other day. It was good to visit with her and hear how Trinity Sue is doing. By the way, I love her name. We were so sorry to hear that she had to have more surgery.Hopefully this will be the last. We want you to know that we are all praying for you.