Yesterday we seen the plastic surgeon for a checkup. She no longer has the drainage tube, what a relief, and he thought that the incision was looking really good. He wants to see her in another week and then if it is still closed we should be in the clear. We are very pleased with the way it looks and can't tell you how happy it makes us that this could be the last back surgery for Trinity. We will probably have to look at a surgery down the road to make the scar look better, but that is something we will worry about later.
We still have not heard anything on her hearing. We have calls into the doctors and they are working on it. It is amazing how if we wouldn't have called them about this they just would have ignored it and done nothing about it.
We continue to do the catheter once a day and are getting anywhere from 15-40cc. We will continue to do this until we see the urologist in a couple months.
Overall Trinity is doing really good and for once we feel like she is down the road to recovery. We still need to avoid her being on her back for another week or two until the incision has healed.
Today we met with Early On, a program in the school district that will help Trinity with her PT, OT, and any other special education she might need. This is free of charge up to the age of three. We have heard nothing but good things about the Rochester Schools and we are excited to get the opportunity to have them work with Trinity.
We have been enjoying the beautiful weather we have been having, by going to the park. Aubree loves to go on the slides and show her mom and dad what a BIG girl she is!! Our plan is to come to Iowa in a couple weeks as long as Trinity is doing okay and we get the approval from the surgeons.
Can't wait to see everyone in a couple weeks!! Love-Shannon, Miranda, Aubree, and Trinity
Sounds Great - your family will continue to be in our prayers. Hope to see you when you return to Montezuma for a visit!!
God Bless!!
Robin Bolen
Awesome news! there is SO much power in prayer and i know you have a ton of prayer-warriors doing battle!!!! we love you all so very much and hope we get to see you when you get to iowa!!
love, dotty
I am so happy to hear that Trinity is on her way to recovering.
Our plastic surgeon suggested that we make a pillow out of foam so that when she slept on her side her head was straight inside the pillow. It did not look very comfortable but she slept fine and it worked. He suggested to make it like a dounut but we made something a little different. You can have ours if you want. I just about threw it out today.
~Susan Nelson
Dear Shannon & Miranda.
Our hearts go out to you all in this very trying time.
We hope that baby Trinity continues to heal and grow stronger each day. Know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers. Can't wait to meet the little angel in person. Love to you all.
Marsha & Russ
She is such a cutie! I sure do miss you guys. Hope you get to come back soon.
Love ya, Aunt Shelly
My prayers are that you can make it to Iowa in a couple of weeks to introduce your daugther to your family and friends, and give you a chance to recharge your batteries! You have been through so much these last 2 months, and have done such a great job.
Liz Timmerman
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