On Thursday Trinity was seen by Dr. Gilmer. She checked her shunt and was very pleased with how it was pumping and how Trinity looked. This was also the appointment that Dr. Gilmer was supposed to review Trinity's MRI. After reviewing there were several areas of concern that were noticed, some of which were more urgent than others. The MRI showed the Chiari Malformation to be quite apparent and quite severe.
Just so you are understanding what Chiari Malformation II is here is a brief description of it from a book that we have. It is a difference in the structure of the brain involving the lower brainstem, upper spinal cord, and the lowermost portion of the cerebellum. About 85-90% of children with spina bifida have this malformation. Only a small percent of children, however, show symptoms and problems that eventually require surgical management. When the Chiari is present, the brainstem and cerebellum are pushed down and compression may occur due to lack of space. In addition, the fourth ventricle is elongated and enters the cervical area of the spinal cord. This may block the normal flow of CS fluid and increase the compression on the brainstem. It also results in increased intracranial (within the skull) pressure or displacement of CS fluid into cysts in the spinal cord. Some symptoms that Trinity has been showing is upper extremity weakness and she tends to gag when she is eating.
This would mean surgery right away. Due to Dr. Gilmer taking a two week vacation and already having a full surgery schedule, Trinity is tentatively scheduled for the 27th of Aug. The procedure consists of Dr. Gilmer taking a generous portion of Trinity's skull on the back side of her head where the skull meets the vertebrae. She says that it is important to take a large amount so the surgery will only have to be performed once. It is probable that as young as Trinity is her skull will partially grow back. This will relieve the pressure that is being applied on the stem of Trinity's brain, which is causing her spinal fluid to be restricted and nerves to be pinched. There is a certain amount of risk that is involved this surgery. Anytime a procedure is done so closely to the brain there is a risk of damage. There are also a number of large blood vessels that are located in this area and a blood transfusion is probable. There are things down the road that Trinity could face with having Chiari Malformation II, but most of them we will not know for sure until she gets older (walking, hearing, speech, etc...).
Secondly the MRI showed that Trinity has a tethered spine. When the surgery was performed to both close Trinity's spinal column and her skin on her back the two healed well, but as I understand it they grew together. It will not be until Trinity starts to grow and walk that we will be able to understand how this will effect her, or if it will at all.
Lastly, Dr. Gilmer can see where Trinity has scoliosis. She says that this is not uncommon at all with spina bifida children. She says that time will tell whether or not surgery will be needed to correct this problem also.
This is all a lot of information, but hopefully you understand what to be praying for. This is a lot to digest. When we think of all the risks and Trinity having to go through another surgery it makes us sick to our stomachs. When we found out that Trinity had spina bifida we didn't expect half of the things that we have faced in the past couple months. Sometimes I ask God "Why?". I will admit that the last couple days that question has been going through my mind a lot. I spent some time tonight going through some past posts and it pretty much brings me to tears. I can't believe all that Trinity has faced in her short life. I am really asking you to get on your knees and pray for our little girl. Pray that God would bring healing to her body and that if this surgery is what he wants for her that he would give Shannon and I some peace about it. Pray that Trinity would have a speedy recovery and that this would fix what needs to be fixed and not cause anymore damage. Shannon and I could really use your prayers also. It is a lot to have on your shoulders when you have to make decisions that involve your child's life. Please pray that we are making the right choices with Trinity.
We are praying for you! You and Shannon are amazing parents and we wish we had 1/10 of your strengh! We have a great god, he will cover Trinity and you guys with his love and protection! We love you guys tons!
Love and miss you!
Miranda and Shannon,
We are thinking of you always! After I left you a message, I checked out your post and didn't realize all of the things that occured this week as a result of the MRI. I'm so sorry it's not what you expected to hear and it makes it so difficult to hear when there is another battle to be fought. It seems like you get over one hurdle, find peace, and then there is another hurdle to get over. I know we feel this way with Stella at times and I sympathize with you greatly. We take joy in the times that are really good and peaceful, knowing that most likely there is something we'll have to deal with around the corner with a special needs child. You both have been doing SUCH a great job and we'll continue to pray for Trinity's healing but of course you, Shannon, and Miss Aubree as we know how difficult it is to be those that care for your little one. You would do it all for her in a heartbeat! Just rest in the comfort that God is with her every step of the way and she's not doing it on her own. :) We love you guys and want you to know that if there is ANYTHING we can do, we would. If you need someone to talk to, we are here!!!
Hugs to you all,
Travis, Sarah, Treyton, Stella and Baby T #3
Im so sorry you all are having to go through all of this. Little ones shouldnt have to be given so much to deal with. I myself am asking "why" Miranda. But only God knows the answers. His thoughts are not our thoughts, his ways are not our ways. We are giving what we are giving and he gives us strength and wisdom through prayer. I dont know what else to say. Im so sorry and wish you were closer so I could do something but that is only selfish thoughts of mine so I didnt feel so helpless. When I just want to hug you and "little mama". I love you so much and am learning so much from you. You all amaze me. Love ya, Aunt Shelly
Miranda and Shannon,
I just wanted to tell you both that you have been in my thoughts and prayers since I read about you on Stella's page. I have seen a child with the same things as Trinity excell in school. She walks and is very social with everyone.
Take care,
Missi (Wiley) Spurgeon
Shannon and Miranda,
Just wanted to let you know that Mark and I are praying for you!!
Mark and Vicky
Hi guys,
Just catching up on your posts this week and my heart breaks as I read your latest post. It feels like you just keep getting dealt blows. I am sure you are weary and unsure and it is scary to have to make these decisions. I am asking why as well, as I read about all the things affecting dear sweet Trinity. We are praying for her, that God will remove any pain, that He will grant you both wisdom, clarity, peace, comfort through all of your decision-making, that He will grant the doctors wisdom and sure skill. There is so much to deal with here. I know you hear it a million times, but God does hear you, He cares, He is loving you all, and His arms are open wide. Keep jumping into His arms. Hold on tight. We are praying for you, lifting you up.
Love you,
Rochelle, Matt, and Ethan
We are praying as hard as we know how that God will direct you, and give you peace in your decisions. Also, that God will cradle Trinity in His hands, and heal her body.
All our love,
The Timmermans
Miranda and Shannon,
You are in our thoughts and prayers everyday.
Love you all!
I met Kara today at her salon in Oskaloosa. While she was doing my nails...I began to tell her about my cousin, Katie Bloom. She then shared with me Trinity's story. Although I do not know you...I am adding you to my prayer journal...and will pray daily for her. I will pray for more miracles...complete healing...and wisdom for both you and the doctors. I will continue to check the blog to know how I can specifically be praying for your family.
Praying for you! Stay strong :)
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