Monday, August 11, 2008

Enjoying the Cool Air!!

We really don't have anything new to report. This past week we went back to Iowa and enjoyed seeing everyone. Trinity and Aubree are always so good in the car. Trinity is doing pretty good. She had another round of shots a couple weeks ago (still didn't feel anything). We don't have any appointments this week which is really nice! We haven't heard anything from Dr. Gilmer since she has been on vacation, as of right now the surgery is still planned for August 27th. We will have a lot of help from both our parents while Trinity recovers from the surgery. Trinity is showing us some progress with her physical therapy. She is showing more strength in her neck and she turns her head more to sounds. We still have not got her to rollover, but hopefully that will be in the near future. She also will not be able to start eating any solids until she can hold her head up. She still don't have alot of upper body strength like other babies her age do, but we never give up and keep working with her everyday.
Thanks for checking in on us. Sorry we don't have a lot to report. We hope you are having a great end to your summer!
Love~The Arthur's


CureSMA4Stella said...

Hey Miranda,
Glad you were able to spend some good quality family time this past week! We just wanted you to know we think of you all the time and can't wait to see you again!
Sarah and family

Amy said...

I continue to pray daily for Trinity.


roduns said...

Thanks for the update. We are praying for her next surgery.

Love you guys!

JRandKara said...

I love the hair!! You look like such a big girl here Trinity!! We love and miss you guys tons already!

Anonymous said...

Hello~I need to introduce myself. My name is Michelle Wagner and I am a jr high and high school friend of your neice (or cousin) Jessie Arthur. Jess asked me to pray for Trinity a while back, and then gave me your blog address. My relationship with my Savior is #1 in my life, adn I am blessed and to God be the glory that I am able to pray for your little girl. Just wanted you to know you have a momma in Alaska praying over you, and for your family. If you ever need someone to vent to out of the "family" circle message me on my blog and I will pass along my email address. Our twins were two months early and we spent a month in the NICU. I can't say that I know what you are going through, but I am compationate to it as I have seen and been there for a couple of friends of mine that have had to deal with many of the same hard choices you are going through now. Please know I am praying and will keep checking Trinity's site for updates! Michelle

Susan M. Nelson said...

Thank you for your comment and for your prayers. We will continue to pray for Trinity as well. We will pray that our God, The Healer, will shield and protecter her. Maybe someday they can meet eachother. (: ~The Nelsons

Shelly Seymour said...

I love you Miranda and I am so proud of the Mother and Christian you have become. You and Shannon amaze me. Love you all
Aunt Shelly