Trinity is doing pretty good. Today has been so much better then yesterday. Her headaches have pretty much gone away (we are guessing by the way that she has been acting today) and the pain seems to be getting better. We have had a few issues with some vomiting last night and today. They think it is due to the pain meds that she was on, so we are going to just try Tylenol for now. She's starting to get an appetite back, but it is taking some time. Dr. Walker (Orthopedic Surgeon) came in today to see Trinity. He feels pretty optimistic that if we get Trinity back into a brace after she heals it could help correct her scoliosis. He wants to see her on Monday if we are still in the hospital otherwise we will get an appointment made to see him soon. I pray that it will work so we can avoid surgery again for awhile. We also got to talk to a Dietitian today and found out that Gillette has a feeding clinic (Occupational Therapist, Speech Therapist, and a Dietitian) they will help us with Trinity's eating and her speech. This will be something we will look at doing after the first of the year.
Tomorrow Trinity gets to finally sit up for the first time in 3 days, we are all looking really forward to this! I wish I had a video camera here to show you just how strong Trinity is and how bad she wants out of her bed. She has been grabbing the bars of the side of the bed and pulling her self around the inside of the bed (from side to side). She's so ready to be able to sit up and do things other then just lay flat on her back. Not real sure when she will get to go home, but we are hoping for Sunday?!?!
Trinity got a Christmas Tree in her room today. It is about 1.5 feet tall and is decorated with playdough, cutouts, and some other toys. It has lights on it and decorations. A couple that had a child in the hospital over Christmas donates 35 trees to Gillette for kids that spend time in the hospital during the holiday season. We have it on the end of her crib and have the lights on. I will make sure to post a picture of her with her tree. Just one of the many things that this hospital and volunteers have given to Trintiy. So far she has gotten a tie blanket, baby pillow, and a tag blanket (because she got sick all over her other blankie). The nurses and staff are amazing here. Aubree got to do a craft last night with some other children that are in the hospital. She had a lot of fun doing it. We are very happy with our decision to switch to this hospital!!
Hopefully our next post will say "We are Home"!
Love~Trinity and family