Saturday, January 4, 2014

New Year!!

Happy New Year!! We are staying warm here in the frozen tundra, with expected temperatures on Monday of -20. The Governor of Minnesota declared all schools be closed on Monday, so the kids are pretty disappointed to not be going back.

Trinity had an accident while we were in Iowa last week. When we have her out of her wheelchair we carry her like you would a baby around your waist. The driveway was covered with snow and had ice underneath. We slipped on the ice and landed on Trinity's left leg. There was no doubt it was broken. So we headed to the closest Children's hospital. They confirmed it was broken and decided the best option for Trinity was to cast the whole leg. We had also called Dr. Walker, her Ortho at Gillette, to confirm that he felt this was the best option for her. He agreed with the treatment. She will be in the cast for 6 weeks and she will see Dr. Walker a couple times for x-rays in that 6 week time to make sure it is healing correctly. Not exactly how we wanted to end our stay in Iowa, but we are thankful it wasn't any worse.

We will keep you updated on how the healing is going!

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