Monday, July 11, 2016

Week #3 Update

I could never be a writer because I struggle just titling our blog post! :-)

Things are going really well here. Trinity is just starting week #3 in the halo and is a rock star so far! Her current weight on the traction is 10 lbs and they hope to get another 2-5 lbs on there. Tomorrow she will have an x-ray that will hopefully show them how her spine is responding to the traction. In a couple weeks they may have a better idea of when the spinal rod could be placed.

So far we are adjusting well to our new way of life. My husband is amazing and brought me up my own coffee pot so I could brew my own right from the comfort of my room! The nurses are making comments about getting their morning coffee from our room. ;-) Aubree is staying with Trinity and I this week. Trinity has a lot of activities in mind for her!

We continue to appreciate all the prayers. This is definitely a trying time for our family to be apart, but God has already done some pretty amazing things during our stay here. Shannon has had the opportunity to pray with multiple families and a homeless guy during his run on Saturday. Our family was blessed to serve a meal at the Ronald McDonald House on Saturday night and it was nice to actually cook a meal and bless others.

Our family and friends have shown us so much love over the past 2 weeks. Trinity is fully stocked with coloring books, crafts and books to read. I have been blessed also with books and yummy snacks. Shannon and the kids are being very well fed while at home and have received some great gift cards to help with gas and food during their travel here. Our words of gratitude will never be enough to express how deeply grateful we are for the support we have felt.


1 comment:

CureSMA4Stella said...

So glad to hear it's going as well as possible! Hugs and love to you both! Tell Trinity Stella prays for her every night!! :)