Monday, July 27, 2009

Shriners & Swallow Study

On Friday Trinity had an appointment at Shriners in the morning. We were scheduled to have an x-ray and then she was going to be seen by the Orthopedic Surgeon and the Neurologist, things kinda changed after the O.S. seen her x-ray. If you remember back to April Trinity's x-ray showed that her scoliosis had gone from a 38 degree curve to a 45 degree curve. Well this visit it has gone to a 50 degree curve. For a child that is 17 months old this is not a good thing to see, especially since her curve has gotten 12 degrees worse since January. We tried the TLSO, but because of her vomiting she don't get to wear it very often. So the O.S. called the Chief of Staff @ Shriners which is also the Spine Dr. He took a look at Trinity's x-rays and evaluated her. He told me that if I had called him over the phone and told him that Trinity had a 50 degree curve, he said he would have told me it is time for growing rods. But because he now knows Trinity's situation they are looking at MRI's that she has had done to see what her spine looks like and to see if she has a severe tethered spine (where the spine connects to the skin). This could cause her scoliosis to get worse in such a short time. If there is a severe tethered spine then they will have to go in and separate the skin from the spine. After that is done we need to get her vomiting under control and get her brace back on her, but inevitably Trinity will have growing rods and a lot sooner then later. This was very difficult news for us. A growing rod has to be adjusted twice a year and they have them until they are through their growing years. After that they go in and try to straighten the spine. This is overwhelming for all of us. We have a lot of decisions to make and need to start thinking of Trinity's care and the doctors that she sees. I got to meet another Neurosurgeon @ Shriners that I felt very comfortable with and he is located at Gillette Hospital. We pretty much found out that we are at the wrong hospital (U of M, Fairview) and need to be thinking about switching to Gillette. Not because the U of M is bad, but Gillette specializes in Spina Bifida, so they deal with Trinity's situation on a daily basis. Many doctors came in and seen Trinity trying to figure out what is going on, but we are kinda at a stand still until they see and discuss the MRI with Dr. Haines. The PT/OT got to see her in her new wheels and they were very impressed with that. We discussed a wheelchair, but it is something that they want to wait on until she is 2 1/2 or 3. Shannon and I were trying to push it since we have already met our out of pocket for the year, but according to Shriners if our insurance don't pay for all of it or none at all the Women's Auxiliary club will (why we do that can tabs!). This was great news!

In the afternoon she had her swallow study done at the U of M. They have her drink some chalky stuff and watch her swallow it through an x-ray (very neat to watch this). They also fed her some stuff that was somewhat thick and see how she swallowed that. She did a great job and they don't feel like she has any difficulty swallowing. She has an immature mouth for her age (about a 6 month old) so we need to work on this and train her mouth with different foods. So we are still not sure why she is vomiting, but we are going to make an appointment with a GI doctor at the U of M. We will let you know when we have that appointment and how it goes.

I know this is a long post and I hope you understand it too. There is so much to tell you about Friday, but I honestly have such a hard time typing all of it. Friday was a very long and emotional day for all of us. I am constantly trying to figure out the "Why's" and I never get any answers. The doctor told me that things are going to get better for Trinity, sometimes it just takes awhile to get through all the road blocks. I appreciate his confidence, but it still don't help the emotions I feel for our little girl and all the things that she has had to go through lately and the things she will face in the future. We need prayer and lots of it. We have a lot of decisions to make and we don't want our emotions to get in the way of making the right ones. We only want what is best for our little girl.

1 comment:

Stefanie said...

Sorry to hear about your trying day...

Glad to hear, though, that you've found a hospital with an SB specialty. The cart pics were super cute :)

We'll keep praying!!! Hang in there!!!