Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Surgery Complete

Surgery is complete and Trinity has her new hardware. Surgery started on Monday around 9:15am and she was back up to her room around 2:30pm. The halo is gone and her new spinal rod is in. They put in her new rod with the help of a device called O-Arm Surgical Imaging System. This helped them with the placement of the screw in the pelvic bone. That way they could burry the screw under bone and tissue so it would not be prominent and cause the skin to breakdown. She has two incisions, one on the top and one on the bottom. This will all hopefully help with the healing process. She will need to lay flat for a couple days to help relieve pressure on her back. Tomorrow they will remove the bandages to look at the incision, which we are all anxious to see. If they can get her pain managed, get her new TLSO adjusted and the incision looks good, we could be home by Friday or early next week. Praise the Lord! She's having a rough day today with pain, but hopefully they an get that under control soon.

You can see some x-rays that they took before traction, during traction and after the spinal rod was placed.

X-Ray on left from before traction at 105 degrees and on the right is during traction at 99 degrees

X-Ray after the spinal rod was placed at 65 degrees

Please continue your prayers for Trinity. That they can control the pain and that her incisions would heal with no problems.

The Arthur's

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