Saturday, March 1, 2008

Trinity's progress

Another day comes to a close and changes both good and bad happen in Trinity's life. Miranda and I learned on Friday that Trinity's bladder is not working the way it is supposed to be. The doctor did an x-ray in which he filled Trininy's bladder with three ounces of a dye filled liqued. A baby's bladder at Trinity's age only holds approximately one ounce before emptying. One hour later the doctor x-rayed her bladder again and found that she in fact was not empying like she should be. The solution to this problem is a catheder. Miranda and I learned that every 4 to 6 hours we have to drain her bladder. Miranda for the first time today successfully cathederized Trinity. At first it seems a little intimidating but Miranda handled it like a champ. We have a very seasoned nursing staff that showed us what to do, and this is certainly helpful. Secondly, Trinity's back is starting to leak some sort of fluid. At the top of the lesion there is also some swelling that has became more apparent over the last 24 hours. A combination of these two things warrented a call to Trinity's surgeon. Although she is not on call this weekend she made the drive from the city of Detroit. Once again showing that she is not only a surgeon, but a very caring person as a whole. After looking at the areas of concern she said that the nurses need to start weighing the bandages every time they change them to try to get a better feel for how much liquid is being lost. As a whole she didn't seem overly concerned. On the positive side of things, an orthepedic surgeon came and did an eval on Trinity's reflexes and leg movement. He was very happy with the response that he saw from her quadrecepts. The quad it the primary muscle that facilitates peoples ability to walk. This doesn't mean that braces won't be needed, but he said that it was probable that she would some day walk. As you can see by the picture, big sister Aubree is very proud of her new shirt and sister. Miranda and I continue to be very overwhelmed with the cards, meals, phone calls, gifts, thoughts, and prayers. Since Trinity's birth, both Miranda and my parents, my sister Tasha, and Adam and Paige Carlson have all been out to visit and support us. The help has been much appreciated and shows how caring of family and friends we have. Thanks again for everything it is truely overwhelming. Thanks lastly to our Lord and savior for all the answered prayers and healing hands.


Shelly Seymour said...

Hello all! Trinity is getting stronger and stronger everyday with Gods help! I am so proud of all of you. You are blessed with good doctors and nurses who love Trinity too. She is so pretty, she looks like Aubrey who looks like Shannons twin! Hope everything continues to go well. Love ya! Shelly

Brenda Terpstra said...

We are thinking and praying for you guys. We continue to remember that God is in control. Hugs and kisses to you all.
Mike, Brenda and Bailey

CureSMA4Stella said...

Hey guys,
It's so disappointing when you take a step forward and then one back but you guys are troopers! :) Keep up the good work. Your little girl knows you are doing wonderful things for her and she knows she's loved to so much and that will help her more than anything. :)

Hang in there and let everyone know if there is anyway we can help!
Sarah, Travis, Treyton and Stella

allycuts said...

You guys have two beautiful little girls! I hope Trinity contiues to progress. You guys will be in my prayers!

Liz and Will Timmerman said...

Hello to your beautiful family,

I've been sorting through things these last couple of days, and trying to figure out God's plan, and why things happen on this earth - especially tough things to sweet innocent little babies. And although I don't have an answer to that, I do know one thing - my son, Luke Thomas is in heaven, and is praying especially for your beautiful daughter, Trinity Sue. Luke knows more than any of us what Trinity Sue has to go through, and I am telling him to watch over your beautiful little girl and to help her heal. I knew there was a reason I met you Miranda - I just didn't know what it was. Please know that your entire family is in my family's thoughts and prayers.
Liz Timmerman

roduns said...

Hello Arthurs!

We love your posts and that Shannon writes them! Ha! The Arthur ladies are a good-looking group! We are so thankful that you have such a great doctor and experienced nursing staff. We are praying that God would continue to provide for you in that way, and that Trinity will continue to show signs of improvement and strength.

Take care!
Rochelle, Matt, and Ethan