Friday, January 25, 2008


We wanted to update everyone on the appointments we had this week. I had two non-stress tests this week, along with my regular OB appointment and an ultrasound. The stress tests went really good and the baby's heart rate is really good. The ultrasound went good. Her head has grown (which is good) and her ventricles grew some, but they think it might be because her head has grown. They couldn't see her spine because of her position. Otherwise everything looks good and she weighs about 4 lbs 8 oz. We feel at this point no news is good news! It is nice to go to appointments and not here negative things.
For those of you that don't know, my sister is 30 weeks pregnant. Her name is Megan. She has cervical cancer and placenta previa. I would appreciate if you would add her and her family to your prayer list. This is her second child and it is a girl. She is not real sure what the procedure will be when she delivers, they are talking about doing a c-section.
Thank you for all your prayers. Love all of you!

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