Tuesday, February 19, 2008

38 Weeks/C-Section Friday!!

Well we have some unexpected news. Today I had my normal NST, OB, and Ultrasound. The baby did not pass the NST so they had me go to Triage to be hooked up for longer. My OB came in and checked the strip only to see that the baby is not real reactive. Because I already had a ultrasound scheduled they let me go ahead and go down for that. During the ultrasound they are seeing that the baby is developing hydrocepholous (water on the brain) and that the amniotic fluid is lower then it should be. They had me go back up to Triage to be checked for a ruptured membrane. The membrane has not ruptured, but I am dialated to a 2 and 70% effaced.(Please don't quote me on all of this because I received so much information that I can't really remember all the doctor told us) The fetal medicine doctor recommened to my OB that they move the c-section up. They decided to do that for this Friday the 22nd. WOW, are we not prepared for this news. So we will have a new baby girl on Friday. We do not know the time yet, but they will let us know that tomorrow morning. My parents are going to drive out Thursday morning, so we will have someone here during the birth. They will stay until the 9th and then Kathy will fly out. I ask for all of your prayers. Shannon is very busy at work and I am not prepared at home. Please pray for good weather for my parents also. Plus, we feel like we haven't spent a lot of time with Aubree lately. We also don't have the name picked out! She might be nameless for awhile, I hope not!! We are hoping to have Shannon's laptop at the hospital so we can post some pictures. It might not be until Saturday or Sunday, but we will try to get some pictures of our new addition ASAP. Thank you in advance for all your prayers. This is going to be difficult not having our family and friends here, but we know you will be here in spirit. We love all of you!!


sterpstra said...

Hi Shannon, Miranda and Aubree,
I just talked to your Mom and she said they are coming out tomorrow. I of course called Nikki and gave her the update. We just want you to know that you are all in our prayers and we can't wait to see pictures. Your Mom is going to keep me posted. Love you all....

Tina said...

Hey Miranda!
I have enjoyed reading your blog, your mom gave the blog info to my mom at work & I have been anxiously waiting & reading everything that you write. I want you to know that you & your whole family are in all our thoughts & prayers at this time. I went thru problems 16 years ago with my youngest son. I had placenta previa & then my water broke 2 months early. My son, Weston was born weighing in at 3# 10 1/2 ozs. He was 16 inches long & spent over 2 months in the hospital. He never lets me forget about that 10 1/2 ozs! I also had a very active 2 1/2 yr old at home. Weston is now an average 16 yr old & has recovered from his premature birth. You just take it easy till Friday, don't be overdoing it! Your mom will take care of everything when she gets there I'm sure. But I know how helpless it feels at this time. Can't wait to see pictures though!Stay strong & we will keep lifting you all up in our prayers!
Tina Widmer